About Statewide Civil

Statewide Civil Pty Ltd is a well-established and reputable contractor that provides an exceptional level of service to our clients and stake holders. Throughout our 20 years of operation, Statewide Civil has achieved a solid and positive reputation in the civil works field, achieving continuous growth through quality, safety and effective time deadlines.

Our team members are dedicated, enthusiastic & proficient in civil construction. This ensures each client will achieve the desired result from their project in all areas. We understand that quality and consistency of product and service is most important to our clients. Therefore we consistently adopt the use of modern technology methods and product improvements. Our company and staff pride themselves on the use of the best available resources, to consistently deliver quality products as well as dedicated service to our clients.

Our objective is to add value to our works through research and development of innovative solutions or alternative practices, which will deliver our projects with greater efficiency whilst up holding the quality requirements for our client.

Years in the Industry
Projects Completed
Team Members

Our mission is to efficiently deliver civil projects that improve the communities in which we live, work & play.


Commitment to Quality

At Statewide Civil, we are committed to delivering quality products and professional service which fully meet the requirements and expectations of our clients. We ensure a high level of quality awareness is practiced and maintained by all staff.

We also believe that quality relates directly to our suppliers and contractors and we aim to use only those who have a standard commensurate with our own. Our Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and provides a solid framework in preserving our clients’ satisfaction.


Occupational Health & Safety

Statewide Civil recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors and the community. All staff are expected to take care for the health and safety of themselves, their co-workers and the public. Further, staff are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process in relation to health and safety matters. Our OH&S Management System is certified to AS/NZS 45001:2018, which enables us to continually improve our health and safety performance and prevent workplace injury and illness.


Environmental Responsibility

Statewide Civil is committed to conducting business in an environmentally aware and responsible manner. We promote awareness among all staff to increase understanding of environmental impacts and improve our operations towards more sustainable practices.

We also seek the co-operation of our business partners to adopt practices that help to create a sustainable future. Our Environmental Management System is certified to ISO 14001:2015.